This curry was different though from the ones that I'm used to making because the curry powder wasn't the same as the kind you buy off of the shelf at the supermarket! You guessed it, it was a homemade blend - I guess I do owe Jamie some of the credit after all!!LOL Apparently curry powder isn't just curry powder! It consists of numerous spices blended together...didn't know that!!!
First thing you need to do is finely chop a few onions, at least enough to cover the entire bottom of your pot (we used our red 9 qt Le Crueset Dutch Oven Pot!!) to probably about a 1/4 of an inch if not more!! You brown your meet in the onions, salt and pepper, and some olive oil. Once your meet is browned, add your curry powder (about 3 tbsps) and chili powder (about a tsp) and cook for a while reducing the onions. At this point I used to add a little water, but started using beef broth which is better!
While this is simmering away, peel and cut your potatoes into cubes. You need to top your pot up with water and boil your potatoes until soft. Don't put more water than you need into the pot! Once your potatoes are cooked, add your green peas and about 1/2 to 3/4 of a can of tomato paste to thicken it!
At this stage you can cook your rice (we use basmati rice) and by the time it's ready, so should your curried moose! We always serve this dish with buttered bread/rolls and a glass of white milk! This has me craving this dish all over again!!
One thing that I do not like, is the smell of onions and other food smells on my clothes and in my hair. I prefer to make this dish on a weekend and I usually have scented candles lit as I'm cooking it! After it's all said and done and the dishes and leftovers are put away, I go through the house with my spray bottle of Febreeze!!LOL Jamie thinks I have an overly sensitive nose, but if I can smell food off me, I assume others can too!! But in saying that, I do what I have to do in order to still make this dish - definitely worth it!!
This dish takes a while to cook - you can't rush it, so don't even try!LOL
mmm...made this (well with beef) a few of weeks ago...but mine never turns out like when we were growing up!!??!! :)